

Welcome to Sew You Think You Can Cook!

This blog is predominately a food blog but will occasionally take on the guise of a crafting blog, a party blog, and a travel blog.

My name is Lauren and I currently reside in the Los Angeles area with my husband and two sons. I left my job as an aerospace engineer to stay at home after the birth of my first son. I am now homeschooling both of the boys for preschool.

Beginning January 2016 I will start using more definitive nicknames for my sons as “little man” and “baby boy” is quite confusing. My older son will now be called “Firecracker” and my younger “Treat”.

My hobbies include cooking, quilting, cross stitch, and now blogging! I have a weakness for kitchen towels, holiday decorations, and colorful pens. My first blog post and my post accepting the Liebster Award can also tell you a little bit more about me.

You can also follow me on PinterestFacebook, Google+, Instagram, and Twitter!

picmonkey collage



5 thoughts on “About

    1. Thanks!! After a lot of back and forth brainstorming I owe the credit of the final decision to my husband. Creating a blog name has so far been the hardest part!

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